St Vincent Lodge
In terms of membership numbers, St Vincent is one of the largest lodges in the Province
Many of the members of St Vincent work in the medical profession. The local hospice, St Peter's, was co-founded by two members of the Lodge
The Lodge is well known for its social activities and hospitality and attracts regular visitors from far and wide, due to the quality of its ceremonies and warm welcome
University Scheme
Tradition and continuity are two of the values which characterise the relationship between Freemasonry and universities.
It was nearly 200 years ago that the first university Lodge, Apollo University Lodge, was founded at Oxford, with Isaac Newton University Lodge following soon afterwards at Cambridge. Since then many thousands of young men have been introduced to Freemasonry through these two Lodges, and they provided the inspiration for the Universities Scheme. This was set up at the beginning of 2005 with the objective: ‘To establish and/or enhance arrangements and opportunities for undergraduates and other university members to enjoy Freemasonry’.
There are now 85 other Lodges pursuing a similar, yet distinct, course. Their membership consists of undergraduates, postgraduates, senior members of the university and alumni, ranging in age from 18 upwards. All under-25s benefit from the recent decision by Grand Lodge to halve their dues in order to make Freemasonry as accessible to as wide an audience as possible.
The Scheme is headed by the Assistant Grand Master, Sir David Wootton, who explains: “We know from these long-established university lodges that students – whether undergraduates or postgraduates – enjoy Freemasonry to the full. Through the Universities Scheme, we hope that university members from all over the country will be able to gain the same inspiration, fulfilment and enjoyment.”

Province of Bristol
Masonry, or Freemasonry as it's often referred to in the UK, is split into geographical provinces. Each province then has a number of lodges that meet on different days of the week. Membership to a lodge is sometimes linked to a profession or interest such as scouting, sport, hospitality or even university.
In Bristol we have 37 lodges, with the oldest dating back to 1758, each with its own unique and sometimes interesting traditions. The Saint Vincent Lodge is one of the 37 lodges in the Province of Bristol. It is also the designated University Scheme Lodge in Bristol to encourage students to join in order to gain inspiration fulfilment and enjoyment in Masonry.